The interview with Phil Cheney starts at about 15 minutes in and goes for 30 minutes…
Are you experiencing everything you think that you deserve? A great career, wonderful relationships with your partner, kids, family? Great hobbies? A feeling of contributing something to the world? If not, why not?
Join Dr. Peter Sacco and Todd Miller on Matters Of The Mind as they chat with abundance coach, author, musician and all round busy guy Phil Cheney as he helps us understand both our conscious and unconscious behaviours that dictate how we make decisions that will both benefit us, and potentially harm us!
Phil is an Australian who lives with his wife Manu and her daughter in Toronto, Canada. Phil has two beautiful daughters and three grandchildren living in Australia. A published poet, he has travelled to over forty countries, and worked as a CEO, Director, IT analyst, soldier, policeman, consultant, marketer, producer, builder, musician and university lecturer. Between 2011 and 2015 he completed the ‘Bion & Freya Trilogy’, novels about timeless courage and love. He has also written 5 other books, mostly non-fiction. His personal adventures have led to joint business ventures in Africa and Europe, which are locations included in other novels in this trilogy. In the past Phil has also successfully written and produced two musicals, 450 poems, 250 songs, over 20 Enterprise software modules, and many short stories, some of which are on his blog. So, a busy guy, and one prepared to help you to achieve abundance in your own life!
Check out Phil’s book “Energizing Love” for further study and to get the life you want!
Contact Phil
Hear Phil Cheney and Ellen Campbell from on “Matters Of The Mind” with Dr. Peter Sacco , but if you miss it, it will be on demand at iTunes podcast at