
The real social distancing from COVID

Last week a friend asked me if I had taken the mRNA Covid-19 vaccine. My verbal response was “That is personal medical information” to which he replied “Oh so you haven’t taken it!” Before I explain why this conversation is so messed up, let me point out that I am not an “anti-vaxxer”, and [...]

You Can Still Trust Even If You’ve Been Deceived

“You may be deceived if you trust too much, but you will live in torment if you don’t trust enough.” ~Frank Crane “Ah, it is difficult to trust people nowadays!” Heard that one lately? The implication is that trust is something you receive and that everyone else controls it and [...]

By |2017-12-20T14:57:27+00:00November 13th, 2015|Health, Method, Self-Awareness, Trust|0 Comments

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